Thursday, October 18, 2007

Where's Bobby?

What a day! In a weird kind of way I love being busy. Today has flown by and I'm 2 Hrs away from going to the gym and getting ripped. Before I get into today's blog. I want everyone I know to visit this chick-fil-a link. It's free and you will win free stuff no matter what. I won a FREE VALUE MEAL!

I woke up to read that The Atlanta Trashers got rid of their head coach Bobby Hartley. I found this very troubling. He's the same coach that lead the Trashers to their first ever Southeast Division Title and most wins ever in Atlanta hockey. I know the Thrashers have really sucked so far this year, and have lost all their games. But it's not just the coaches fault. The whole team is to blame... right?

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